
在建行, we’re leveraging our more than 100 years of success as community bankers to drive our success as community builders. We’re committed to providing you with the tools 和 resources to help make our communities even better places to live AND work.

On this page you’ll find helpful banking news 和 information along with stories about some of the amazing community projects we are involved in. 请经常回来查看,因为我们一直在添加更多内容! 



全国自有住房月快乐! 在建行, we believe that homeownership is a milestone worth celebrating. Whether you’re dreaming of owning your first home or looking to upgrade, this is the perfect time to take steps toward making that dream a reality. Here are some essential tips to help you determine if you’re ready to buy […]




六月是全国乳品月, 当我们为当地的奶农庆祝的时候, we also recognize that agriculture is the heart of many communities, 尤其是在整个卡特劳古时期, 肖陶扩村, 和伊利县. CCB offers a variety of deposit 和 savings options to help you manage 和 grow your farm’s finances. 这是我们的存款和储蓄[…]




Summer is the perfect time for family adventures, fun in the sun, 和 making lasting memories. 然而,这也可能是一个开支迅速增加的季节. 在建行, we underst和 the importance of balancing enjoyment with financial prudence. That’s why we’re excited to share some practical tips on how to save money this […]


与您的CCB HELOC一起探索定期退出期权的好处


在建行, we believe in providing flexible financial solutions to meet your evolving needs. One of the most versatile tools we offer is the Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC). This week, we continue to share the benefits of a CCB HELOC by discussing the “term-out.“理解条款退出选项,那么,到底什么是[…]




随着阵亡将士纪念日的临近, a time dedicated to honoring the brave men 和 women who have sacrificed their lives for our nation, we at CCB are reminded of the deep significance this day holds for our community 和 country. Since our founding in 1902, CCB has been more than just a bank; we’ve been […]




当谈到改善你的家, 无论是通过厨房改造, 一个新的甲板, 或者是更新过的浴室, 为这些项目融资通常感觉是一项挑战, 甚至是可怕的, 任务. 在建行, we believe in empowering our customers with the financial tools they need to make their dream homes a reality. […]之一




嘿,精明的储蓄者们! Have you ever found yourself stressed out over holiday expenses? 好了,不用再担心了! We’ve got the perfect solution to help you “sleigh” your holiday budget this year. Welcome to the jolliest savings club in town – CCB’s Christmas Club! 距离大喜之日只有233天了,没有时间…


Discover Your Seasonal Retreat: CCB’s Seasonal Property Mortgage


Are you dreaming of a vacation getaway home that’s not just a temporary escape but a retreat where you can create lasting memories? 在建行, we underst和 the importance of finding your slice of paradise, 以及我们的季节性房产抵押贷款, 我们在这里让这个梦想成为现实. “Where Community Counts”是什么意思…


Nurturing Financially Savvy Futures: A Guide for Parents from CCB


在建行, we believe in empowering our community through knowledge 和 support- 和 as parents 和 guardians, nurturing our children’s financial literacy is crucial for their success in the ever-changing l和scape beyond high school. 我们的座右铭是“社区至上”, we’re committed to providing families with the guidance they need to help their […]


Embrace Financial Freedom with CCB 黄金俱乐部: Where Community Counts


在建行 we underst和 that life after 50 is a chapter filled with new adventures, 机会, 和, 当然, 不断变化的财务优先事项. That’s why we’re excited to share information with you today about the CCB 黄金俱乐部—a tailored suite of financial solutions exclusively designed for our valued CCB customers aged 50 和 above. 为什么……
